Health Authority Alto Adige

Sanitary Area of Meran

House Basaglia, Department of Mental Health


Sinigo/Meran, 13 novembre 2010

Thanks for the performance of the 11 november 2010

I take this opportunity to thank ITACA for the performance that In Between Butoh has presented the past Thursday evening at the House Basaglia.  It was very attractive, a little hard to swallow, but of high artistic quality.  The background is Japanese.  An Eros just alluded and at the same time intense.  A nakedness of the bodies (not integral) that alluded at the nakedness of the being.  A relationship with the sacredness of the Nature that has made much effect.  The provocation represented from the exasperating slowness of the movements (also this Japanese) that underlines how much in the world of today we feel provoked by not being always at maximum possible speed.  A cello broken playing almost imperceptibly, to emphasize the sacredness of the rite.  Also the outside public liked it.  Our patients probably did not understood much, but at least they found themselves in the audience hall together with the public of Meran and Sinigo. To be redone.

Professor Lorenzo Toresini, MD, Head of Psychiatry Dept, Autonomous
Province of Bolzano, Consultant psychiatrist, Health Trust of Meran