Il Messaggero

Rome, wednesday 25 June 2008

Nomadic Butoh

inspired by Shakespeare on the topic of the madness

by Donatella Bertozzi

It is a kind of return home, from many points of view, the debut in Rome of the butoh company In_Between, nomadic and transnational group, constituted from the French Yann van Steenbrugghe, from the Swiss Flavia Ghisalberti and from the Italians Ezio Tangini and Ivan Marasco, artists who have in common the study with some celebrated masters of the butoh, between which Akira Kasai and Masaki Iwana.

Present in these years – from the foundation, in 2003 – in festival and reviews scattered to the four angles of the world, from Edinburgh to Paris, Erlangen to Indianapolis, till the cold lands of the region of Ontario in Canada, the group has formed itself in Normandia, little months before their debut, just in Rome – in the spaces of the Stenditoio of the complex of Saint Maria of the Mercy – of their first piece Something in Between, inspired by “In Praise of Folly” by Erasme of Rotterdam.

With the madness and the diversity of the disease that renders sick a reietto – but also a fecund pole of contradictions within the society – the group has been measured since the origins. And the topic of the madness, the diversity, the diversity lived as guilt – for which every “diverse one” is guilty – remain at the center also of their new work, Down-A, inspired to tragicommedia of giacobiana age “the two noble kinsmen”, attributed to John Fletcher and William Shakespeare and presented – from tomorrow till saturday – in the space of the Diurnal Center Valle Aurelia ( Viale di Valle Aurelia 129) annexed to the Department of Mental Health of the Asl Rome E.